                          -= BMP2XIP Readme File =-
                          -=    Date : 6-4-04    =-
                          -=   Coder : ViPeR-7   =-

This program will take a directory of BMP files and create a skin.xip file for
use with the tHc dashboard.

The Specific list of files required are :
- AudioPlayerBG.bmp
- dvdstop.bmp
- dvdstopw.bmp
- dvd_button.bmp
- DVD_paneltex.bmp
- GameHilite_01.bmp
- harddrivebg.bmp
- outline.bmp
- xbox4.bmp
- xboxlogo.bmp
- xboxlogo128.bmp
- xboxlogo64.bmp
- xboxlogow.bmp
- ffw.bmp
- play.bmp
- random.bmp
- repeat.bmp
- rew.bmp
- stop.bmp
- background.bmp
- cellwall.bmp

Notes - Cellwall.bmp and Background.bmp are optional, you can have either or
        both, but you must have at least one.

      - The input bmp files must be at the same resolution as they were
        originally for the dash to display correctly. They also must have a 
        height and width of a multiple of 32 for the program to work correctly.

Usage - Pick the input directory (where your bmp's are stored) and your output
        directory (if different from the input dir), and hit Go!

        Please Direct any questions or comments to the tHc IRC channel
                             (#xboxdash on EFnet)

Credits -
        Gcue : This project was his idea in the first place, Without his work
        on the theory, this project would not have been a reality.
        tHc Team : For producing a great dashboard, and for giving me something
        to do in my off hours =)
