JbOnE's AutoFill-Soundtracks Dash Patcher

Let me start off by clarifying the name - it is an "autofill" 
because you don't have to edit any config.xaps or menu xap's 
to have your menu's filled. But it is based on the 
SavedGameGrid - so you need a save on your hd in order for 
anything to show up on the menus. I figured it was easier for 
ppl to edit their saves than to keep editing their xap's 
everytime they added/removed an item. Now thanks to 
Xtech - that process got even easier :) Included is his 
DummySaveCreator which with one click of a button will create 
any dummy saves needed to fully represent your hard drive's 
contents in the menus. Much thanks to him for his time and 
effort spent coding that one ;) While I'm doing the props 
giving, I also need to thank Gcue for coming up with such 
an easily configured music style menu, Dfunked for posting 
that first Settings menu tutorial, and of course 
the Godfather of Xip - Voltaic for getting us into them 
in the first place ;)

Simply run the patcher on a fresh set of xips as instructed, 
then resign your xboxdash.xbe.
Now each time you boot up your xbox to the dash, it will 
compare your game save names against your hard drive for 
launchable titles and sort them into the correct category 
for menu listing.

Directories checked...
E and F - HDDLoader,games,gamez,jeux,apps,appz,applications,
emu,emulators,emulateurs,dash,dashes,dashboards - also checks
on C for folders named for dashboards.

I left the look original because I know how much pride ppl 
take in customizing the look of their dash - myself included :)
This dash is 100% compatable with Gcue's existing true color 
mod patches and should therefore also be compatable with any 
new ones.


Main Menu 
Left Trigger - displays results of hard drive check.
X Button - selects and plays random soundtrack song from your 
	 collection - pressing again will select another song.
Y Button - turns off soundtrack song playing and returns you 
	 to AmbientSounds.
B Button - power off Xbox - place your shutdown and reboot 
	 xbe's on the root of C.

- Enjoy :)