-                    baRenameX v0.90                    -
-                   by: jinx_removing                   -

	You WILL need the .NET 1.1 framework to use this
	program, as it was developed in VisualBasic.NET

	Download here:

-special thanks
	Special thanks to AceHack for letting me rip off
	his codebase and feature set from his tool:

	And to Zak, for being the test-bed for this thing.

	I'm not a programmer of any sorts, by any means.
	You're using this at your own risk. I will not be
	held accountable if this produces results less
	than desirable.

	If you find a bug or think of something that will
	make this application better, please PM me 
	(jinx_removing) at forums.xbox-scene.com

	See below for known issues.

	Before doing anything you'll regret, backup whatever
	it is you'll be working on.

-What is it?
	A file renaming utility to make files Xbox legal.
	It has a variety of options to provide flexibility
	when naming files.  Also has a preview window so
	that you can preview what files will be named
	based on the various user defined settings.

	You can also forcefully rename any file by double
	clicking on it.

	baRenameX will also rename files back to their
	"Pre-Xbox" names if you choose to do so.  It will
	also store a log in the event you want to name
	files back later.

-What does it do?
	First it checks the selected folder to see if you
	have files in that particular folder that are not
	legal for the Xbox. Legality is deterimined by the
	length of the filename (< 42 char) and that the
	filename does not contain any illegal characters.

	There are four columns in the file list view:

	+ [original filename]: file as it is currently found
	  on the HDD.

	+ [length]: number of characters of the [original filename].

	+ [xbox legal?]: if [length] > 42 characters or the
	  [original filename] contains an illegal char, it will
	  color this entire row red to signify to you that this
	  file will need renaming before being ftp'ed to the

	+ [Rename To]: This is the target filename based on the
	  various options you may have chosen from the list of
	  options below. If the initially suggested truncated 
	  name is taken, it will append a ## to the end of the 
	  subsequent duplicate to avoid overwriting errors when 
	  saving (## being a two digit number, 00 for example.)
	  [Rename To] inherits the filename extension from the
	  [Original Filename] file.  

	Whenever the "Rename!" button is clicked it renames 
	[original filename] to [Rename To].


	+ All Files: this will apply the options to all the files
	  in the preview window.

	+ Illegal Files: This will only display files that have
	  a filename length > 42 characters or the filename contains
	  illegal characters.


	+ Trim from Left/Right: The value in this box will trim 
	  <X> number of characters from the left or right of 
  	  the filename.

	+ Repace XX with YY: Simple search and replace

	+ Trim Illegal Chars. : This will remove all characters 
	  that the XBox doesn't like. Illegal Characters are:
	  < > = ? : ; * + , / |

	+ Convert Brackets to (): When clicked this option will
	  parse all the suggested filenames and convert any
	  [ ] or { } to ( or ).

	+ Preserve Contents of (): This will try to preserve
	  data contained within any bracket character (, [ or
	  { when this is clicked.

	+ Convert _ to " ": Will convert all underscores
	  to spaces " ".

	+ Remove Double Spaces: Will remove any instance of
	  "  " and replace it with " ".

	+ Remove All Spaces: This will trim all of the " " 
	  out of a suggested filename in an effort to retain 
	  as many characters as possible.

		Init Letter: First letter of every word.
		All Caps: All uppercase
		All Lower: All lowercase

	!! Nothing is renamed UNTIL you press the Rename!

-It's asking me if I want to name the files back?!
	This is useful if you want to store the files in
	their original name on your PC, but want to
	temporarily rename them to get them onto your Xbox.

	If you select YES it will rename your files
	back to what they were named before you
	pressed the Rename button.

	If you select NO, it will store a log called
	IllegalToLegal.brx in the directory where the
	files were renamed.  You can restore from
	this log at a later date.

-known issues
	+ there is some sorting issues with directories
	  these shouldn't affect use of the program, but
	  you might find directories starting with "_" at
	  the bottom of the directory tree.
	+ there is no support for removable drives IF those
	  drives don't have media in them. All logical drives
	  attached to your PC will be found, regardless of
	  if they have media in them or not.
	+ there are some *minor* problems with the "preserve
	   brackets" checkbox where it will occasionally print
	   an extra "(" or sometimes print duplicate () statements
	   at the end of the file, particularily with filename 
	   lengths shorter than 42.
-wish list
	+ ftp support for getting files to the xbox
	+ zip files checkbox to individually zip files
	  that are not currently .zip'ed.
	0.90	8/17/2003
		-First public release