 * read/write/erase all size nands - 16mb, 64mb, 256mb, 512mb
 * flash xsvf's to your CPLD (assuming your nandflasher supports that) - Nand-X
 * power on/off the console (assuming your nandflasher supports that and is wired correctly)
 * supports armV1 and armV3 flashers (where nandpro only supports armV3)


  xflash [-h] {read,write,erase,xsvf,update,poweroff,poweron} ...

  XBox 360 NAND Flasher

  optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit

      read                Dumps an image from the NAND
      write               Writes an image into the NAND
      erase               Erases blocks in the NAND
      xsvf                Flash a CPLD with an xsvf file
      update              Jumps into the bootloader of the NAND Flashing device
                          for updating the firmware
      poweroff            Shuts down the attached XBox 360
      poweron             Powers up the attached XBox 360

detailed usage for each command can be had with
xflash <command> --help

# dump the full sized nand to 'nanddump.bin'
$sudo xflash read nanddump.bin

# write the full sized nand from 'nandflash.bin'
$sudo xflash write nandflash.bin

# dump the first 50 blocks worth of nand to shortdump.bin
$sudo xflash read shortdump.bin 0 50

# write the first 50 blocks of nand from image.ecc
$sudo xflash write image.ecc 0 50

Thanks / Credits:
-Whoever wrote the original XFlash.py script
-Anyone else involved the Free60 Project
-The Makers of NandPro and the PIC Flashing code
-G33KatWork (https://github.com/G33KatWork/XBox-360-AVR-flasher) - for his modifications to XFlash.py
-Juvenal - current author of XFlash 1.3