* _   _ ___________  ______ ___ _______   __ ______                         _   _             *
*| | | /  ___| ___ \ |  ___/ _ \_   _\ \ / / |  ___|                       | | | |            *
*| | | \ `--.| |_/ / | |_ / /_\ \| |  \ V /  | |_ ___  _ __ _ __ ___   __ _| |_| |_ ___ _ __  *
*| | | |`--. \ ___ \ |  _||  _  || |  /   \  |  _/ _ \| '__| '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| __/ _ \ '__| *
*| |_| /\__/ / |_/ / | |  | | | || | / /^\ \ | || (_) | |  | | | | | | (_| | |_| ||  __/ |    *
* \___/\____/\____/  \_|  \_| |_/\_/ \/   \/ \_| \___/|_|  |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|\__\___|_|    *
*                                                                                             *
*    __                              __                  _______          		      *
*   / /   ___  ____ ____  ____  ____/ /____ ________  __/ ____(_)________ 		      *
*  / /   / _ \/ __ `/ _ \/ __ \/ __  // __ `/ ___/ / / / /_  / // ___/ _ \		      *
* / /___/  __/ /_/ /  __/ / / / /_/ // /_/ / /  / /_/ / __/ / // /  /  __/		      *
*/_____/\___/\__, /\___/_/ /_/\__,_/ \__,_/_/   \__, /_/   /_//_/   \___/ 		      *
*           /____/                             /____/                     		      *
*											      *

 - .NET Framework 4
 - USB modified xbox, controller or controller cable (make your own or buy one)
 - Compatable USB drive (scroll down for a small list of compatable USB devices)

Note: Follow the instructions included in the USB FATX Formatter. The tutorial will help you
corrupt your USB drive so other applications can access it. The USB *MUST* be corrupted or it will
not work unless you are running Windows XP or lower! 

USB Transfer Troubleshooting:
Q: My USB device is not being detected or isn't mounting when I plug it in.
A: Your USB device may not be compatible, although there is still a hope. Turn off the console
   and plug in the USB, turn on the console and check to see if the USB drive has been mounted
   or not. I have had to do this with the Sandisk Cruzer series USB drives.

Q: My console is detecting the USB drive but says all of my game saves are corrupted?
A: You have misread step 2. Don't transfer UDATA, only the folders inside of it.

USB Device Compatability (from what I have tested):
Note: Any U3 device listed has been tested with the U3 partition removed.

Sandisk Cruzer Micro [USB2.0] 128MB Flash
Sandisk Cruzer Micro [USB2.0] 512MB Flash
Sandisk Cruzer Micro [USB2.0] 1024MB Flash
Sandisk Cruzer Micro [USB2.0] 4096MB Flash
Sandisk Cruzer Micro U3 [USB2.0] 512MB Flash (SDCZ6-512) 
Sandisk Cruzer Micro U3 [USB2.0] 1024MB Flash (SDCZ6-1024)
Sandisk Cruzer Micro U3 [USB2.0] 2048MB Flash (SDCZ6-2048)
Sandisk Cruzer Micro U3 [USB2.0] 4GB Flash (SDCZ6-4096-E10)

Full List of Compatible and Non-Compatible USB Devices: http://www.biline.ca/xbox_flash_list.htm

Please post if your USB device was compatible or not on the forums linked below.

v1.2.0 Change Log:
 - Write speed has been improved majorly with a bigger buffer (CHANGED)
 - Over 10 user interface problems (FIXED)
 - Crash at end of full format (FIXED)
 - Several functions have been wrote to be more stable and functional (CHANGED)
 - Error catching while formatting to stabilize overall performance (ADDED) 

v1.3.2 Changelog:
 - Cluster size might not be wrote depending on settings (FIXED)
 - Program now uses an optional XML configuration (ADDED)
 - Memory leak would cause lag after a quick or full format (FIXED)
 - Proper working drive corruption detection (ADDED)
 - Whole drive was not being formatted during a full format (FIXED)

Report Application Bugs and Application Support: http://forums.team-hq.com/viewforum.php?f=23