_____   _____
                    _____    _/\_    _____        \    \ /    / 
            __ _____\    \  /    \  / _  /_____  _ \    \    /__ __
          \ \_\\_    \    \/      \/  / /    _/ /_\ \    \  //_//_/ /
                /    /    /        \    \    \       \     /
               /    /    /    /\    \    \    \    _/       \_
              /   _/    /       \    \    \_   \  /    \      \
              \  _______\________\_  /_______  /_/      \  s!  \_
               \/                  \/        \/ \______/ \______/
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -
                     U        A        E        -        X
          - ------------------------------------------------------- -

                                port by rOn
                              ascii by sensAh

1) Introduction

UAE-X is a port of the famous Amiga emulator UAE to the X-Box platform.

2) License

Like the original UAE, this code is under the G(ay)PL license. You'll need 
the Microsoft XBOX XDK to compile it.

3) Usage

-Install to your modded Xbox HD.

-Put KICK13.ROM into UAE-X's roms/ folder (for emulating an amiga 500)
-Put KICK30.ROM into UAE-X's roms/ folder (for emulating an amiga 1200)

-Put some disks in UAE-X's disks/ folder.
 Remember that for now, UAE-X doesn't support zipped adf files.

-Then, run UAE-X and enjoy the good old days!

-The supported keys are:
 D-pad + A: Joystick 1
 Left thumbstick: Mouse
 B: Left mouse button
 X: Right mouse button
 LTrigger+RTrigger+Black: Exit
 Start: Enter menu

 LTrigger or RTrigger: Fast scroll (menus)

-Load & save state save the current key mappings.

4) Links

- UAE-X: http://uaex.sf.net/
- UAE: http://www.freiburg.linux.de/~uae/

5) Contact

DO NOT BOTHER UAE'S AUTHORS ABOUT THIS PORT! Actually, try not to bother 
me too but, if you want to improve the source code or whatever, shoot 
me an email at: [email protected]

6) Changelog

-SnaX: added config selection. uae config files are now in /configs/
-SnaX & Zhevon: XBOX Keyboard support!
-Schlauchi: better default config file (old savestates might be broken, you'll
   have to load "Default (from previous UAEX versions)" to have them work)
-SnaX: Hardfile support working

-added directory support when browsing for floppies
-added multiple resolution support: 640x480, 720x576, 720x480 (Thanks to japennan)
-added 2nd controller support (you need to enable it in the options menu)

-happy new year release
-screen position/resize added
-made screen updating to flicker less
-added antialias settings
-you can now disable the drive status bar

-merry christmas release
-load/save states added!
-default.uae.aga added into the distrib for emulating an amiga 1200

-Keyboard simulation support! (Thanks to unknown)
-made in-menu fast scrolling faster
-fixed right click mouse button simulation
-made menu selection to remember previous selection

-PAL60 support added (Thanks to lantus)
-Added support for left&right triggers in menu for faster scrolls
-File list is now sorted
-Number of floppy drives now selectable through menu
-Fixed sound jerkyness!

-Added quick'n'dirty selection menu (press START)

-Initial release. Sound might be jerky and no menu so you have to edit 
 the config file by hand :/